All about me

I was born in Fortsmith, Arkansas, but only lived there for a few months till my fathers job called him away to Falling Waters, West Virginia. My house included  my two brothers, my mother, my father, and me. I always wonder how different would my life and who I am would be had I grown up in a different city, because I believe your environment impacts who you are. Well when I was around 3 years old my family divorced and it became just three of us: my brother, my dad, and me. My mother and my oldest brother had moved away. Fast foward a little bit and my dad met an awesome woman who later became my step mom and my small three person family grew once again. I gained a mom and two sisters. My family is a big part of who I am. I was raised to put family above all and to this day I still abide by that. I was very lucky to get the family I have and I try to always remeber never to take them for granted. I have many beliefs and I believe they make me who I am. I believe in experiencing life to its fullest. Most things I like to try at least once. If I had a six word memoir mine would have to be ” In life never leave stones unturned.” That’s kinda just my philosophy. One of my favorite quotes of all time comes from Peter Pan ” To live would be an awe fully big adventure.” I try to live my life with the ability to understand those around me. I love getting to know why people are the way they are, what makes them tick you know? I find it fascinating. Even if others believe in things that I don’t or even believe in things that oppose my own I always want to know their logic and understand it. That doesn’t mean I’ll agree with it  but I can always accept someone else’s beliefs. I think that’s something more people need to learn in our society today.  Learning to be able to discuss differences but instead of just screaming  opinions louder than another, learn to have civilized conversations using logic. That’s just my two cents. I like being aware of the social issues around me, but I try to know the facts before I create my own opinion. 

Now, let’s move on to some more random things about myself. My favorite foods are sushi and mangos. I considered going vegetarian because I love fruits and vegetables so much, but my love for chicken prohibits that from ever happening. My favorite color is black which most my friends know cause my wardrobe primarily consists of black, but I do also like red and green. When I say green I mean more of a dark army green not like a bright in your face lime green. My favorite animal is now officially a goat. It used to be a tie between goats and penguins, but after I went to my uncles farm and the goats he has are the equivalent to lap dogs, goats beat penguins. My favorite feel good movie is The Breakfast Club and a show I could watch and rewatch is How I Met Your Mother. A weird thing about me is if I’m watching something on Netflix or some other streaming thing, I will not watch a season finale unless the next season is already up. Another weird thing is unless I say it very slow I can’t say amethyst. I say it am-tha-mist. Don’t try and fix it because many have tried and like I said unless I say it very slow I just can’t do it.

Probably the most important thing in my life is music. I live and breathe it. When I was very young, as embarrassing as it is, I used to want to be an opera singer. I would get up on the coffee table and belt out Les Miserables and Phantom of the Opera for hours. Apparently everyone in my family knew from the moment I was born I’d be a performer. I used to put on shows with my cousin for the family, sing Disney songs 24/7, and I could literally recite 30  minutes of the Grease movie perfectly. Basically I was performing every second or ever day. About two years ago I was determined to learn guitar, but I was told I couldn’t do it. I’m not one who likes being told I can’t do something so I proved I could and would.  I started learning  on a purple cheap eBay guitar. I played every day until my fingers hurt too much waited a bit and played again. I finally showed and proved I was serious about playing and that’s when my family bought me my first real guitar. I have taught myself pretty much everything I know and two years later I am just now starting to take lessons. I found a love for writing music and have written over 15 different songs some of which are completed and some still need work. Wether I’m playing or just listening at any point in time you probably see me doing something involving music.

Well there’s a lot to me, most of which can’t be summed up on a blog post, but that a pretty decent summery of who I am.

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